Chelsea Lodge Suites


This is a listing description section where you can write about your listing. We have provided an editor for entering this information on Submit listing page so your visitors will be able to format their description easily. They can highlight their content with Bold, Italic, Underline options, they can also use ordered and un-ordered lists:

Ordered list:

  1. Allow users to pay and publish their places on your site
  2. Create a unique submission form using custom fields
  3. Awesome Google map integration for showing real locations

Unordered list:

  • Allow users to pay and publish their places on your site
  • Create a unique submission form using custom fields
  • Awesome Google map integration for showing real locations

Hyperlinks, images and basic HTML can also be added here from backend.


Contact Information

5 Reviews

  1. Catherine
    October 8, 2013 at 5:31 pm

    Awesome tool for creating a global business directory! Adding new cities is as easy as it can get, the extensive backend features for admin makes this theme a clear winner in this niche.

  2. Emma
    October 8, 2013 at 5:31 pm

    Even authors who list their businesses on the site have a lot of control over their listings. They can edit their listings at any time, they can setup their own profile which will be visible to all the site visitors and guess what they can connect their places and events too with the cool Events add-on.

  3. Samantha
    October 8, 2013 at 5:31 pm

    I have not seen better Google map integration then this ever. Marker clustering is one hell of a useful feature when you have a huge directory with thousands of listings on map. Ability for the listing submitter to select street view map is an icing on the already yummy cake!

  4. Jack
    October 8, 2013 at 5:31 pm

    I will only say this is the best business directory theme, period!

  5. Jane
    October 8, 2013 at 5:31 pm

    Beauty for me is as an admin i have control over EVERYTHING, The whole theme is widget ready so that makes it easy for me to display the elements which i want to display. Just drag and drop the widgets and I am done. I must say this is one well thought out product as a whole, m lovin it!

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